OFFICE: (772) 302-3551
NJ SALES: (609) 675-5742
Recently we were called in to replace a few bad chillers on a vessel and missed an opportunity to replace the electronics as well. As the electronics installer was leaving, I asked who he worked for. He proudly proclaimed that he owned his own business. This is what we found after being directed to look at misc electrical problems. Additionally we found three different versions of software- some of which was from the original date of manufacture (version 1). Jonathan was able to clean it up.

Not only was this not done to any known standard, it was a fire hazard.

We call this the fuse octopus. In addition to all this the equipment was floating loose in the dash, unsecured.

Nice job Jonathan, much better
November 2018 Ron attends level 3 training for KVH in Middletown, RI. We can now service all the KVH domes including belts and motors.

Phil is in charge here!

Ron works the New Orleans Work Boat Show.

Ron catches the $150 winning fish with Bob Rush during visit with friends.

My friend Tony came in from PA for his
first off shore trips

Russ from Buzzkill was kind enough
to take us kite fishing.

Fixing a KVH V11 VSAT on the Mississippi Enterprise, bad cross azimuth motor. Mast was creating some blockage

Phil getting trained on VSAT on the Space EX boats

Ron's hobby kayaking. Mayaka River

Phil getting training, changing out VSAT cross azimuth motor

Tuna trip while working in NJ, 6 yellowfin that day